Herbs for LGBTQIA+ Support & Trans Care

Herbs for LGBTQIA+ Support & Trans Care

We want to raise our voices in allyship towards our LGBTQIA+ friends and family members who benefit from the support of herbalism in so many ways. Herbalism is inherently gender-affirming. Here are some herbs that target optimum nourishment, overall endocrine health, and resourced well-being.

On an energetic level, there are herbs surrounding us that aid in identity-affirming no matter what step of the journey you are on. On a very physiological level, herbs can help tip the hormone scales to favor one over the other, balance above all, and support whatever goals you have.

Balancing the Hormones: Protecting Our Reproductive Selves from Estrogen Dominance

Balancing the Hormones: Protecting Our Reproductive Selves from Estrogen Dominance

by Corinna Wood So much of women’s health revolves around our reproductive cycles and the corresponding hormonal cycles. I get countless questions about the estrogen/progesterone balance. Women want to understand...
Senecio: A Bright Yellow Cluster of Flowers Bring Spring

Senecio: A Bright Yellow Cluster of Flowers Bring Spring

Formerly Senecio aureus is now Packera aurea. Named for John Packer at the University of Alberta, Canada who has been differentiating those Senecio species originating in the old world (Europe) and those native to the Americas, this plant, also known as liferoot, is in a category of its own. Liferoot (Packera aurea) is a beautiful golden herb that when taken 10-30 drops at a time helps promote the optimal function of the female reproductive system and menstrual cycle.
March 26, 2012 — Red Moon Herbs